Thursday 3rd April at 12pm BST/UK for 90 minutes (replay included)
I will walk you through the exact steps I take to make 10k+ every masterclass you run.
This includes the content I use (and you can copy) to get the right people to attend and buy my offers.
I have made 30, 50 & 101K in sales from this method and my clients do too.
Impactful masterclasses act as a simple funnel to dream clients on repeat.
There is no need to be live on The Mastermind Method. You will receive the replay shortly afterwards and some incredible bonuses (such as my masterclass email templates and a masterclass graphic template to use for your class).
As soon as you sign up, you will receive a recording of 'Your Signature Masterclass Training' so you can get started straight away. My clients use this to create a masterclass to sell to corporate or take to groups, instantly positioning themselves as an expert.
You will also learn:
When to offer a paid masterclass and when to offer free masterclasses.
How to choose your topic, name and price your masterclass.
Timing & your masterclass- how long you need for promotion & how often to offer your masterclass
When and how to make offers and upsell from your masterclass.
The simplest format for your masterclass that gets the best results.
Enter your bullet points here..
The 10K Masterclass Method is €111Thursday 27th March at 12 pm BST (UK)/7 am ET€77